The Hawk !

Namaste !

We wanted to share with you a game we like playing, it’s called The Hawk.

Here are the rules :

Someone has to be the hawk and all others are little birds.

The little birds have to run from a point to another escaping from the hawk, which has to catch as much little birds as it can. When little birds are caught by the hawk, they become hawks and have to catch the other little birds.

The last little bird wins the game.  (Hari Krishna)

Do you play sports alot at school ? We don’t have sports class, but we love playing. (Jaya)

~ by Two countries, two schools: One blog ! on December 30, 2010.

One Response to “The Hawk !”

  1. Hello we do not usually play during breaks because we are 15 or 16 years old and we are too old to play. During the breaks, I talk with my friends (we have 15 minutes’ breaks)

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